Mario Juarez advises businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals on using strategic storytelling to drive transformation. By revealing the biological underpinnings and sociological dynamics that make storytelling central to the human experience, he shows people how to unlock the power of their unique personal and organizational strengths and put them to work to deliver targeted results.
StoryCo was founded by Mario Juarez, a longtime corporate communications leader and former journalist. His unique storytelling training has already reached more than 10,000 Microsoft employees, generating rave reviews and countless original, high-impact stories.
Discover the power of your story to connect you and your business with customers, partners, employees, and associates. StoryCo offers consulting, presentations, workshops, and 1:1 coaching to help you and your business cultivate stories that make a difference in work and life.
StoryCo BLOG
Why do so many business presentations bomb? Here are the main reasons why so many fail, and a few pointers on how to avoid disaster.
In a time of crisis, churn, or change, a good story eats the truth for lunch. It becomes the truth in the minds of your most important audiences. If you don’t tell yours first, someone else will – and that’s never a good thing.
What kind of stories do you tell about your business? If they’re just about the products you sell and the services you offer, you’re missing a huge opportunity. See how the transcendent stories engage people in ways that purely transactional stories never can.
Did you ever encounter a smell that transported you back in time? If so, you know how powerful the sense of smell can be. What may be less obvious is how this can help you to become a more effective storyteller.
If the stories you tell seem to fall flat, it may well be that you’re cursed. The problem may not be what you say, but rather what you fail to say. It’s called “the curse of knowledge,” and it’s a thief.
Every successful business sits on a mountain of high-impact stories. But how do you find them?
Nothing is more important than authenticity to good storytelling . It’s impossible to quantify, but it can make or break your success. Here’s what great presenters understand about authenticity.
Nothing has been more instrumental in human evolution than our ability to tell stories about things that don’t quite exist. Fictions have built and ruled civilizations. They continue to play a major role in your business and career.
Bad storytelling can hurt you nearly as much as good storytelling can help. Here are three common business storytelling mistakes that are guaranteed to backfire.
The Significant Objects Project proves that stories can add a lot of monetary value to otherwise worthless pieces of junk. But would you ever be so irrational as to buy things so obviously overpriced? You do it all the time!
Here’s a simple approach to help you find and deliver effective stories you can use across all aspects of your business.
Paul Zak is a scientist, entrepreneur and author who is uncovering the physiological secrets behind the power of storytelling. In this exclusive interview, he talks about his recent work and his new company, which helps people predict how effectively their stories and messages will land with important audiences.
The problem is not simply the inevitable weariness of a multi-day event. It’s the essential somnambulance of your typical business presentation.